Nous avons travaillé pour rendre ce site Web accessible à un large public et pour assurer une meilleure expérience à tous les utilisateurs. Cela inclut le respect ou le dépassement des directives d'accessibilité au contenu Web 1.0, niveau AA du W3C. Nous nous efforçons actuellement de nous conformer aux Directives pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web 2.0, niveau AA.

Design Update
Our design update improves accessibility using the features listed below. They have been applied to the majority of web site pages and are being rolled out to the remaining pages.
High Contrast
For users who may suffer from low vision we would recommend using the Google Chrome browser and a plugin called “High Contrast”. Download the “High Contrast” browser plugin for Chrome.
Color Vision Deficiency (CVD)
For users who may suffer from a form of color vision deficiency we would recommend using the Google Chrome browser and a plugin called “Daltonize”. This offers support for the three most common bands of CVD. Download the “Daltonize” browser plugin for Chrome.
Text Resizing
The modern browsers we support (Firefox 3.6 and later, Internet Explorer 7 and later, the latest version of Chrome and Safari 4.0 and later) feature in-built accessibility tools, including zoom and text-resizing.
You can change the text size or adjust the page zoom in your browser by following these instructions:
PC/Internet Explorer 7 - from the menu bar underneath the search field, select Page and point to Text size
PC/other browsers - to increase page zoom: hold down the CTRL key and press +. To decrease page zoom: hold down the CTRL key and press –
Mac/all browsers - to increase page zoom: hold down the Command key and press +. To decrease page zoom: hold down the Command key and press –
This accessibility statement applies only to the Diversity Travel web site and does not cover any other site that we link to or any content provided by third parties.
We welcome your feedback. Please contact us to give us your comments or suggestions.